Sunday, March 3, 2013

Final Memoir (Part 1)

“From the Beginning” has been modified thanks to the efforts of: Rick Grigg, Les McLean, Harold Cipywnyk, John Hood, and John Prikryl.  Collectivly, they found 19 typos, and factual and grammar errors.
I made the changes and encourage by this, I decided to have another go at editing, editing with a fine-tooth comb.  As I result I found many more problems: clumsy wording and errors in grammar. Now I’m pleased with the end product and have posted it (see below).

Here are some comments I have received:
• “I’ve just completed reading your memoir and enjoyed it very much – a bit of a time machine.  I especially liked your perspective of the Stelco culture which we all felt but perhaps didn’t put into words.” – John Hood
• “A wonderful read.You sure packed a bunch of memories and technology into the first 120 pages.
Brought back lots of good thoughts to hundreds of former R& D'ers I'm sure..”  –Stewart McKechnie
• “Well done, Sir! Your memoirs, "From The Beginning", are marvellous.” – Les McLean
• “A very interesting read. “ – Harold Cipywnyk
• “I really enjoyed perusing your R&D Memoir Part 1, even though the stories mostly precede my time with Stelco (I was recruited from Voest-Alpine in 1981). Nevertheless, many of the tales rang bell with me too, e.g. your first entry into the private dining room at Hilton Works. I was similarly impressed  when "inducted" into the eatery "Hall of Fame", having been promoted in 1982 to "Private Payroll" . Both the private dining and private payroll must have been long forgotten in the new era...).” – John Prikryl
Click to download:From the beginning

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