Monday, February 18, 2013

From the Beginning -- Stelco R&D

If you wish, a draft copy of my memories of the formation and advancement of the Stelco R&D Department can be downloaded from the link below.

In a sense this is a draft memoir; it’s unfinished. However, I decided to release it before I go too far down the road to senility, which my grandmothers did when they were in their 80s. I’m 82.

At the Feb 2013 breakfast meeting of R&D Retirees, Rick Grigg asked me where the file on my memories of the early years at Stelco is. I had posted a couple of Chapters about five years ago, but later deleted the pdf file. Now my health has improved (fractured lumbar is slowly mending) and I can again write, adding more memories to my initial effort.

So far, what I have been able to put on paper only covers the period from 1954 to about 1978. However, some of the narrative creeps well into the 80s. But, much of what happened behind the scenes, e.g., at Stelco Head Office, is not covered. ....

–Jock, Feb 2013.
Click to download:From the beginning

Please email me at with error and omissions. The memoir is still just a work-in-progess.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our good wishes go out to Joe Figliola

Hi Jock:
I have been in touch with Joe's wife, Margaret, twice. The first time about 10 days ago and I told her about your son Ken and she passed the news on to joe. He has expressed regrets via Margaret as does she also.
As far as Joe is concerned he had a stroke at the end of May last year which affected his left side. On October 1st he was transferred to Idlewyld and is under their care now. He walks with a walker and as a result of good and bad days some dementia shows through.
Also the "parkinson" does cause concern but he is able to eat all his meals. Margaret takes fruit in to him and is in there twice a day.
Of course Joe wonders when he can go home but Margaret puts him off. She feels that is really not an option. Also she says, and we can believe it, that he is not the Joe that we all knew.
Cheers Garv.