Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pat Paulencu

Pat Paulencu (nee Kriter) passed away on Wednesday, Dec 16, 2009.
Pat was one of the charter members of the R&D Department. She took on, with enthusiasm, the role of social secretary and arranged department Christmas parties, picnics, and dances. She had a generous nature and a kind heart.

Visitation at Smith's Funeral Home on Guelph Line.

Friday, December 11, 2009

More Christmas Festivities at the Centre

Happy Memories to everyone!
(Click on the photos to enlarge them)

Stu McKechnie, Gord Roeder, Clint Telfor, Steve Koprich, George Maudsley, Ted Parker, Dan Sakai, Brian Armitage, partial (?)
Day before Christmas
Singing Christmas Carols in the Cafeteria Room.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Steltech Officially Announced, July 1, 1989

In May 1989, Jock McKay informed senior company executives that he planned to retire at the end of the year (1989). Both his official retirement notice and the notice that the R&D Department would be amalgamated into Steltech occurred on July 1st.

Steltech was a subsidiary company of Stelco Inc. formed to provide technology support to the operating and marketing divisions, and to market on a global scale, Stelco technology, e.g. Coilbox, and operational know-how. Les McLean, VP and CEO, headed this new new company.

As of September 1988, the members of Steltech were as follows:
ABELEV, Sima ∴ AMBLER, Paul ∴ ANDRUSKO, Dan ∴ ANSLEY, Bill ∴ ANTOLIN, Albino ∴ ARMITAGE, Brian ∴ AVERINK, Henk ∴ BARNES, Keith ∴ BARTLETT, Ralph ∴ GATT, Bob ∴ BEATON, Elaine ∴ BEDI, Sunja ∴ BERRY, Scott ∴ BEST, Terry ∴ BOILEAU, Cheryl ∴ BOLUK, Tam ∴ BRANSTON, Barry ∴ BROSTROM, Mark ∴ BUCK, Barb
∴ BURYTA, Helen ∴ BYCKALO, Marie ∴ CAMERON, Ian ∴ CASWELL, Nick ∴ CERNILE, George ∴ CHANDLER, Mike ∴ CHAPMAN, George ∴ CHERNISH, Ed ∴ CIPYWNYK, Harold ∴ CLAYTON, Cathy ∴ COATS, Doug ∴ D'AMICO, Tony ∴ D`ANGELO, Marco ∴ DANELIAK, Nick ∴ DAUFENBACH, Peter ∴ DAVIS, Larry ∴ DEUTSCHENDORF, Harry ∴ DI VALENTINO, Tony ∴ DUMITRU, Lucy ∴ DUNLOP, Gil ∴ ENGLEFIELD, Les ∴ FEATONBY, Anne ∴ FIGLlOLA, Joe ∴ FINN, Mike ∴ FORTIER, Ray ∴ FOSSEN, Eric ∴ FRENCH, Mike ∴ GASBARRE, Leno ∴ GEORGE, Don ∴ GRIEVE, David ∴ GRIGG, Rick ∴ GRIS, Brad ∴ HAMMOND, Paul ∴ HAMMOND, Ray ∴ HARRIS, Don ∴ HARRISON, Frank ∴ HARTREE, Pam ∴ HARVEY, Andy ∴ HEYER, Klaus ∴ HODDS, Harry ∴ HODGINS, Bob ∴ HOGBEN, Peter ∴ HONG, Barry ∴ HOOD, John ∴ HUNTER, Bob ∴ JOEL, Brian ∴ JOHNSTON, Carolyn ∴ KARIM, Karim ∴ KEEN, Bob ∴ KIRKLAND, Kelvin ∴ KOMADOWSKI, Dennis ∴ KOPRICH, Steve ∴ KORABI, Tarif ∴ KRAUSHAAR, AI ∴ KRESTYNSKI, Bill ∴ LAIT, Jim ∴ LAMB, Mike ∴ LANDRIAULT, Paul ∴ LAPOINTE, Ray ∴ LAWLER, Rick ∴ LAWRYNOWICZ, Witek ∴ LeBLANC, Nicole ∴ LeCLAIR, Dave ∴ MAGEE, Ken ∴ MAKOVICZKI, Tim ∴ MARCEAU, Yvan ∴ MARCMNICA, Marek ∴ MARINO, Vince ∴ MARZETI, Rob ∴ MATICH, Joe ∴ McCALLUM, Kevin ∴ McCUTCHEON, Christine ∴ McCUTCHEON, Dennis ∴ McDONALD, Rob ∴ McKAY, Jock ∴ McKENNEY, Carl ∴ McLEAN, Les ∴ MlCHNOWYCZ, Jerry ∴ MILLSOP, Bob ∴ MINION, Rick ∴ MORROW, Sandy ∴ MUIR, Dave ∴ MURPHY, Lorne ∴ MUZAK, Nick ∴ NISHIZAKI, Rick ∴ NOWOSIADLY, Bill ∴ 0`CONNELL, Carol ∴ 0`LEARY, Kevin ∴ OLIVER, Dennis ∴ OLMSTED, John ∴ OSBORNE, Colin ∴ OSWALD, Steve ∴ OTTERMAN, Blair ∴ OVERBY, Dave ∴ PATERSON, Gene ∴ PAULENCU, Henry ∴ PELL, Nancy ∴ PETRONE, Steve ∴ PEVATTO, Iano ∴ PRESS, Roger ∴ PRIKRYL, Jan ∴ PUGH, Bob ∴ PUSKAS, Joe ∴ PYLE, Dave ∴ QUIGLEY, Don ∴ RADO, Les ∴ READYHOUGH, Paul ∴ REID, Gary ∴ RENNIE, Jim ∴ RENZETTI, Mark ∴ ROBERTS, Joanne ∴ ROEDER, Gord ∴ ROSENPLOT, David ∴ RYKS, Andy ∴ SAKAI, Dan ∴ SAKAKI,Glenn ∴ SCHOEN, Emeric ∴ SLACK, Tom ∴ SMITIUCH, Bill ∴ SOKOLOWSKI, Jerz ∴ STACHCIWIAK, Remy ∴ STANWAY, Linda ∴ STRATTON, Nan ∴ STRATTON, Brooke ∴ STYAN, Cathy ∴ TAYLOR, Bob ∴ THOMSON, John ∴ TOZER, Peter ∴ TRIGATTI, Rick ∴ TUDHOPE, John ∴ WALKER, Martin ∴ WATSON, Paul ∴ WELLS, Mary ∴ WILKINS, Al ∴ WILLIAMS, Pauline ∴ WRIGHT, George ∴ YOUNG, Jack ∴ ZBINDEN, Barb.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2009 Oct 7 Breakfast

1988 Group Photo

...From top left-side ...
Tom Slack, Paul Readyhough, Don Harris, Jack Young, Henk Averink, Dan Andrusco. Lorne Murphy, 1(?), & Jerry Sokoloski,

Keith Barnes (Partial),Joe Matich, Dan Sakai, Elaine Beaton, Gil Dunlop, John Tudhope & 2(?),

Rob McDonald, Don George, Terry Best, Remy Stachowski, Tony Amico, Yuan Marceau(?), & Kevin Kirkland

Andy Harvey, John Tomson, Roger Press, Colin Osborne, 3(?), Larry Davis, Barry Hong, Paul Landriault, Harry Hodds, 4(?), & John Olmsted (Partial)

Glenn Sakaki (Partial), Brian Joel, Nick Daneliak, Jock McKay, Carolyn Johnston, & Henry Paulencu (Partial).

Jan Prikryl, Dave Overby, John Hood, 5(?)
6(?), 7(?), Frank Harrison, Barry Branson, Dennis Komadowski, Keith Barnes
8(?), Brian Armitage, Gene Paterson, Ken MaGee, Rick Minion, Klaus Heyer
Doug Coats, Nick Caswell, Jim Lait, Don Quigley, Kevin O'Leary
Harold Cipywnyk, Bill Krestynski, Glenn Sakaki.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kobe Steel Visiting Scientists

Under the provisions of the Stelco/Kobe Technical Exchange Agreement, research personnel from Kobe Steel could stay at the Stelco Research Centre for extended periods to work on selected assignments. Most stayed for one year, however, Akihto (Aki) Azumi stayed for two years and received permission from Kobe to bring his wife and children for the duration (1983–1985)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Barry Hong and Brian Armitage
Conf. Room 3: Talking about "nothingness"

Frank Pearce and Alex Fisher
Cafeteria: Retirement Farewell

Ray LaPointe gives one of steel sculptures to Alex Fisher

Thanks for the memories

Andrew wrote:
Hello Jock,

I just wanted to add to your memory list of people connected with the Stelco research centre, as I saw on your blog, etc. I remember you from the past when I started my career at Stelco R&D as a junior investigator (doing math modeling stuff) in 1982. I was only with the centre for 8 months, but during that time I had a great time learning the steel mills and processes at Hilton Works, as well as some engaging projects at the centre. I had met many people and participated in lots of sports (baseball and curling to mention a few) with the R&D staff. Although I got laid-off among other new people that were hired that year, I had fond memories of you and others helping me get funding for continued education at U Waterloo (i.e. I did a thesis related to simulating slag slop control of the BOF). I did regret not working again at the R&D centre, but I will not forget the experience of working there and the help that paved a bold path for my career.

Thanks for the memories, and hope you have a great and active retirement.

Best Regards,

Andrew Lohbihler, CTO
XYZ Interactive Technologies, Inc.
256 Lexington Road,
Waterloo, Ontario, N2K1W9
519 208-7678 (office)
519 502-7960 (cell)

Thanks Andrew for writing. I hope others will follow your lead. Jock

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Staff Photo: June 14, 1974

Please click images to enlarge them.